Thursday, July 5, 2007


I was looking to work on something during my lunch hour when I glanced at a teabag which I had just used. How long do you steep yours?
Edit- Is this piece based on American slang? Or do others around the world "get it" also?


Slava said...

That is soooo wrong!!


Anonymous said...

I guess if you had to create a new website so I could view work like this, then I am sooooo glad you did!

I love it!

BumbleVee said...

the mind works in mysterious ways... ahahhaha... yours is a doozy.

Terry Border said...

Thanks, peeps!

Worthstream said...

Well... I'm from Europe, and i don't get it... at least not without a Google search for "slang teabag"

Terry Border said...

Worthstream- hmmm, I would hate to have to explain this one. I'm going to try another version that has an extra something...

Melanie Marie said...

lol... wow. That is funny and gross all at the same time! Keep it up!

Cara said...

Terry - I love your work - glad to see the new site -

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

You've seen my blog Terry and you'll know how fucking offended I'd bastard be.

I must say I've seldom enjoyed looking at a penis so much.

Did I say seldom? I meant never.

The Takeout Wench. said...

I steep mine for about 2 minutes ;)

butterfly said...

Hey Terry!

Sick and twisted -- I love it!! I especially love how the whole identity of this "guy" is just his junk on legs and feet. LOL

I wrote a post about you and yours on my blog and I included a wikipedia link for teabagging which is also quite good (and funny) for explaining the term. It is also makes mention of some other really amusing terms such as "Turkey Slap", "Peach Punch" and "Clam Slam." May be fertile ground for new material? ;-)

Here is the link if you would like to add it to your post for further Teabagging edification

Anonymous said...

haha. i remember having to explain this to guys in France when we watched somebody's comedy routine...maybe it is an american thing?

Terry Border said...

Thanks all. Some very interesting comments indeed. I always enjoy reading them, but you've really outdone yourselves lately.

And Carol-- yes yes, of course, during a comedy routine. We all understand...

Judith said...

LOL Loving the new site! Just wanted to say that I am in the UK but I knew about tea-bagging - but maybe that just shows what a dirty mind i have LOL keep up the good work :-)

Anonymous said...

:D that's my story and i'm stickin to it.

Do you go through some sort of dismantling ritual for your pieces made out of more perishable stuff? (I'm not sure whether used teabags are perishable per se...). But like the fries or other food?

bea n. random said...

omg - I LOVE this!!! Well done!!!

p.s. I usually steep mine for about 2-3 minutes, these days. anything beyond that starts to get bitter. who wants a bitter bag? or "bitten bag" for that matter! :o

sarah said...

your blogs are rad! thank you! and i steep for as long as possible (which is why i like mint tea the best, since it doesn't ever get bitter.)

Mackey said...

OMG!!! This is even better than the other blog!!
Love it!

Anonymous said...

Utterly Brilliant!!!

Both blogs are incredible.

Keep it up!! (I've added your blogs link to mine, so all my friends can come and see it too!)

Kirsty said...

1 - I'm in the UK and knew precisely what you meant.
2 - I know what a disgusting mind I have.
3 - I know the term is used more often than us so-called uptight, prudish Brits might admit.
4 - I also know we're not actually that uptight or prudish.
5 - I'm painfully aware that some of said Brits ( admit to much more than they should on a far-too-regular basis.

I love your work. Keep it up! ;)

mere5oh said...

I love your work! Totally awesome creativity...even the naughty stuff! I will be linking your blog to mine if ya don't mind! Are you open to requests for scenes both "Bent" and "Really Bent"?

Terry Border said...

Thanks for the nice comments all!

Carol- When the image has been made, and a food item is involved, sometimes I take it apart, and sometimes I set it off to the side and watch what happens!

Mik and Mac- Request away! As long as you post a link to me, I don't mind people posting a few of my images.

Tanna said...

really naughty.n no i don think u gotta b all american to get it.m indian.but i can't get ovr how d teabag inspired u wid dis particular piece...

exile said...

teabaging... that's just nuts

(puns are fun)

Max said...

from ireland and i gettit. very good!

Alan Scott said...

As butterfly stated earlier: "Sick and Twisted" and that's a good thing! LOL Great art work! And even better imagination!

Martin said...

Yep, teabagging in use down under in New Zealand too, though not particularly common.

Deirdre said...

I'm from the US and I've never heard the term "teabagging." Now I'm off to Google it.

Deirdre said...

And now I know.

Very funny!

Charles Lambert said...

I don't want to lower the tone of this site, but the British comic Lily Savage used to do a routine in which she compared this part of an old man's anatomy to two used teabags (...banging against her chin).

Frans said...

I, being dutch, "get it". The slang is quite international.

Here in Holland, the dutch translation of the word "teabags" is also used to describe really small breasts.

Two Cents said...

I think I love you! HAHA... jk.

This is pretty damn kewl though.

IBerg said...


i think it's time to re-post this one in light of the Tea Bagger Party from Fox News.